QR Who


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Use QR Who to share your contact information using a QR Code on your Pebble or Sony Smartwatch! No more business cards. Keep your Contact information on your wrist.
For Pebble...1. The Pebble version requires the BETA Pebble Appstore for Android - available at https://developer.getpebble.com/blog/2014/02/03/Android-appstore-beta/2. The Pebble App will upgrade your firmware3. When you start QR Who on Android it will prompt you to install the Pebble App on you watch. This will launch the "My Pebble" App and install the Pebble App4. Return to QR Who from My Pebble once it finishes installing QR Who on your watch and send your contact information.5. After that you don't have to be connected to display your contact QR code. It's saved on the watch! Just Launch QR Who on the Pebble with the side buttons.6. Have your friend point her QRCode reading app (like Barcode Scanner or Red Laser) at your watch and accept the incoming contact information.
For Sony SmartWatch...1. Download the QR Who App to your Android Phone2. Enter your contact information in the LiveWare Smartwatch Applications and Settings under QR Who3. Select the QR Who app on your Sony Smartwatch4. Have your friend point her QRCode reading app (like Barcode Scanner or Red Laser) at your watch and accept the incoming contact information.
LiveWareâ„¢ extension for SmartWatch 2